
Work culture describes the shared values, belief systems, attitudes and assumptions that people in a workplace share. Whilst work culture is often built from the bottom up, leadership and management influence workplace culture to a huge extent.

It affects how organizations function and respond to challenge. A positive workplace culture improves teamwork, raises the morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and enhances retention of the workforce. Job satisfaction, collaboration, and work performance are all enhanced, and a positive workplace environment reduces stress in employees. This course emphasizes the importance of establishing a healthy hybrid culture and discusses a number of steps that you can try to help improve the workplace culture at your organization.

This course is specifically designed to enable you to:

  1. Understand the significance of nurturing the appropriate work culture when attempting to build high performing hybrid teams,
  2. Learn a number of ways in which an inclusive, and psychologically safe, team culture can be encouraged in hybrid work models,
  3. Gain an awareness of the presence of proximity bias, and know some steps that can be taken to address it. 

In this introduction section, we emphasize the importance of establishing the correct type workplace culture, when building and leading hybrid teams.

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